Citrus bloom is here!

Bloom represents the most critical part of the citrus life cycle. The flowers themselves are incredibly fragile — vulnerable to high winds, frost, disease, and heavy water exposure from irregular irrigation — and growers need to be careful with their operations in order to ensure a healthy, profitable season.

Our FGS supply centers offer all the major plant nutrients that growers will need during citrus bloom. Nitrogen is always helpful for a plant’s growth stage, but the success of the flowering stage leans more heavily on micronutrients like phosphorus, zinc, boron, potassium, and calcium. Applying these micronutrients in the right manner, such as foliar applications that dependably reach their target, will help cut down on misshapen flowers, fruiting issues, and crop loss.

When it comes to efficiently watering those crops during citrus bloom, FGS recommends drip irrigation, which cuts down on the potential problems posed by overhead irrigation systems. Citrus flowers need water to grow, but excess moisture during citrus bloom can create a host of issues, including diseases, fungal infections, and pathogens like Colletotrichum acutatum. Besides, overhead irrigation can disturb bee activity, and nothing is more crucial to the success of citrus bloom than healthy bee pollination.

To make sure your irrigation system is operating as efficiently as possible, give FGS a call. We can even design and install a customized irrigation system, just for you. We’ll also help you stock up on fertilizers, hoses, filters, and everything else you might need to help citrus bloom go the extra mile.

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